• Why join Olive Casting?

    If you’re looking for representation which is authentic, hard-working, and respects all of the characteristics that make you an individual, then we are the agency for you. You are not just a face or a number when you join us, instead you become a part of the Olive family which is personable and supportive of each other. We will guide you through every step of the booking process; auditions, castings, self-tapes and more to ensure you are given the maximum opportunity to secure a booking.

  • Why is Olive Casting sole representation?

    We have made a commitment to our clients to offer artiste exclusivity and so this forms part of the artiste agreement when formally offered a place at the agency. Sole representation ensures minimal issues with bookings especially in the case of continuity on a job, and also reduces any potential problems with other agencies.

  • What type of work can I expect to get?

    We cover TV, film, commercials, music videos, corporate shoots, photographic and print jobs. However, this is not an exclusive list as there are always exceptions! We require all registered artistes to be open to work across multiple areas of the industry.

  • How often will I get work?

    Due to the nature of the industry, there are many variables which will affect the volume and consistency of work available to you. It is in our best interests to have you out working so rest assured knowing we will actively promote you to our clients, suggest you for all suitable roles and keep you updated on progress! In return we ask for enthusiasm, timely communication to keep up with the speed the industry demands and a willingness to take advice.

  • When will the work be?

    Most productions film during the week with set times running from early morning to late evening. Occasionally, there will be shoots taking place over a weekend. We ask for a minimum of 1-2 days a week for it to be mutually beneficial and a good degree of flexibility around shoot hours. We also ask for drivers with access to a car so that you are not reliant on public transport as the location and/or shoot hours cannot be guaranteed.

  • Where will the work be?

    Olive Casting covers the North West region so travel within this area is required. Locations can range from a studio to a filming set based just about anywhere! You will be expected to cover your own travel expenses. In specific cases, where a job is outside of the North West for example, a client may choose to pay for any travel and/or accommodation.

  • How do I get paid for a job?

    Our client payment terms are 30-90 days from the job completion date, however in most cases payment is made within 30 days of invoicing. We in turn pay our artists directly into their bank account within 30 days after receipt of the monies. Where applicable, the buyout fee is usually paid 30 days after the work has aired.

  • How much commission does Olive Casting deduct?

    Supporting Artiste - 15%

    Lighting Stand-ins / Body doubles / Eye lines - 20%

    Commercial / Featured Artiste - 25%

    An annual admin fee of £25 is deducted from your first booking each year.

  • Will I need to have professional photographs?

    Professional photographs greatly increase the likelihood of securing bookings. We offer the opportunity to have photos taken with our recommended photographer, based in Manchester. These photographs are sent to you digitally and can be used as you wish. Olive Casting will only use these photographs for the purpose of securing work. However, we do not insist you use our preferred photographer and you are welcome to provide your own professional photographs (note: we will require the copyright agreement via email in order to use these photographs).

Further questions not covered in the above can be asked via the contact form below: