All about Olive.

Founded by Deiana, Olive Casting, was created with the aim of representing artistes with authenticity and integrity, championing equal representation and treating each individual with respect and professionalism. 

Deiana’s experience of growing up as a minority ethnicity has given her first hand insight into why representation is so important. She understands the challenges and discrimination faced by people of colour and recognises the steps taken by those who want equality for all, no matter what makes you, you.

Olive Casting was born from the need for fairer representation regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, abilities or any other societal labels. We operate from a place of authenticity and compassion, and celebrate progressiveness on both sides of the camera with an open-mind, forward-thinking and inclusive approach. 

“You should get to turn on your TV and see your tribe,” …“Your tribe can be any kind of person, anyone you identify with—anyone who feels you, who feels like home, who feels like truth.”

- Shonda Rhimes, TV Producer, Screenwriter and Author. 

Hi! I’m Deiana (also known as Dee, I get it - one too many vowels and in which order?!)
I’m a 30 something, proud Mancunian who values integrity, loyalty, humour, kindness & equality.

A quote I like to live by - “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” 

I come from a multicultural background, speak 2 languages and have 8 years experience in the recruitment and casting world securing roles for both featured and supporting artistes in tv dramas, soaps, commercials, stills photography, corporate shoots and music videos. I’m passionate about nurturing talent genuinely and supporting clients to fulfill their briefs consistently.

I’m thrilled you’re here and look forward to working together!